Friday, August 29, 2008

that dream that seemed so real.

i swear i never wanted to wake up.

Monday, August 25, 2008

wl is just dumb..

Saturday, August 23, 2008


-世界唯一的你, 曹格
"lelio~ lelio~ko
lelio~ lelio~ko
Missing you in the dead of the night..

"i love you"

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sometimes it's too dark to even fathom reaching the end of that road.

But finding someone makes that road so much easier to walk.

Let me know what you think of the photos =)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Being up at this time and not feel the least bit tired..

you really do wonders..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


you get 50 points if you hit someone while doing your circuit test...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

There are five things in life which make me happy

1) Eating
2) Sleeping
3) Family
4) Friends
5) You

The few things which keep me sane night after night.

Friday, August 15, 2008

太輕或太重 都不在手中
太放或太收 你都只是風
你來過卻愛上自由 你出走我不問理由

我會好好過 等你再愛我
總有個角落 會讓你想起我
我會好好過 等你再愛我

你留下很多 夠我面對寂寞
寂寞不重 縱使愛太弱
我會好好過 等妳回頭

Thursday, August 14, 2008


一心去追, 爱那么可贵。
这样的人, 这样地等, 无非是等个回忆眼神。

已经找到爱, 为何要离开。

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The awesomest singer! I'm lazy to search for lyrics everytime i listen to his songs. So up here they'll go.

Jam Hsiao Lyrics:


我沉默 不代表我不痛
我不痛 眼淚就不會流
總是安靜承受 安靜忍受 安靜看你走

你說我 很適合當朋友
你說我 總是會聽你說
你說別太難過 保持聯絡 有空的時候

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我
如果你能飛的快樂自由 這疼痛 並不算 甚麼

想挽留 卻為什麼點頭
我不懂 連我都不懂
我如果說得太傷 愛的太多

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我
如果你能飛的快樂自由 這疼痛 並不算 甚麼

有多少愛就有多少 沉默的疼痛

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我
等到你轉身後 眼淚也不敢流

把疼愛都給你 把疼痛都給我
如果你能飛的快樂自由 這疼痛 並不算 甚麼


是誰讓冰冷的世界突然 變得火熱
是誰讓我感覺我不是  孤單一個
是誰讓所有簡單的心情 失而復得
是誰讓煩腦挫折不再那麼 苦澀
太多的虛偽 在我們面前 無所謂

為你唱首歌 生命嘶吼著 
摧毀多餘的 對錯的規則
這世界太扯 那些悲傷的 

為你唱首歌 慶祝我們活著 
這是快樂的 值得感動的
你我的心跳 都該被附和 

太多的虛偽 在我們面前 無所謂
為你唱首歌 為生命嘶吼著 
摧毀多餘的 對錯的規則
這世界太扯 那些悲傷的 

為你唱首歌 慶祝我們活著 
這是快樂的 值得感動的
你我的心跳 都該被附和 

Sometimes we do stuff that we know is futile, yet we can't stop ourselves from doing so anyway.

Like how we worry about grades, after the exams are taken.

Like how we console others telling them its ok, when you know they are hurting.

Like how we tell ourselves to not make the same mistakes, only to find ourselves in the same situation again.

I guess its just part of life. Of human nature. We have the need to do or say something so as not to make try to make things better, to make it seem less painful. Even when we know its pointless.

All that's important to me now, is that there's only one person inside my heart. The one who i truly love.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Wei Lun's attempt to document life's rules

1) Don't let chance decide your life. Take decisions into your own hand regardless of how hard it is to decide (Kelvin)

2) Love is a choice. You choose to either love or not to love.

3) Family is the most important - from blood relations to sworn relations.

More to come...

Its really important...

Aiya... this stupid blog becoming emo again...

Friday, August 08, 2008

I feel like a deer in front of a truck.

I still have no idea what happened....

But it hurts like hell....

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I hate being emo....

All i want is you to lean next to me.

Where we'll watch stars all night long.

If i say i love you, would you say you love me?
Really i think i've reached one of the lowest point of my life.

It's so hard just holding on.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The distinction is starting to blur....

Is it physical pain or an emotional one?

The only thing that's similar is that it both hurts really badly, like taking a knife to the chest.

Perhaps i'm that un-lovable.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

All i want is someone to hold onto at the end of the day...

To just sit there together enjoying each other's presence.

Maybe that's a silly reason to want to be with you...

But i just love in that way.

~Emoboy =(
爱了太深, 让人伤得越深

You keep lying to yourself, that you'll be fine even if things don't work out.

Truth is, you can't really bear to see her gone.

ARghhh.... i hate this feeling.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Two special ladies in my life who i know will never fail to be there no matter how low things may be.

Here's to family! Cheers!

I just realised i've not met up with you (yes you janine) ever since JC, which is like close to two years. So yea. Here's how i look like now. *gasps*

Chubby i know.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Maybe if i laugh all the time,

nobody will see my sad eyes.
This will be a very lengthy post about a certain project and certain people. No names here. Though its kinda bloody obvious.

What i don't get is your nonchalence towards the subject. Surely you can't be ignorant of everything that has happened.

Do you not know that we have a DEADLINE? That we are extremely behind in our schedule? That we have information unsubstantiated which will come back to haunt us when we're being audited?

Sure you don't. That's why every weekend you're off partying and enjoying, no news from you until monday. While I get to spend my weekends cooped up in front of the computer. Fantastic. You even get to spend the past few weeks focusing on a totally different project just because you think there's someone covering this project for you.

Time allocated aside, there's quality of work to be mentioned. How much time have you taken just to prepare a simple piece of document? I understand that its good to have fun while you're doing your work, but ultimately we're doing a project which has deadlines to meet. What's the point of spending weeks creating funny sounding names for your staff? Worse, when you return me your work, its not even complete.

How many times have you actually tried to figure anything out? How many times have you actually spent time sitting at the computer and trying to figure out why it doesn't balance? Why it doesn't work? All you've done so far is look at the screen for that half of a second before turning to me and say: "i dunno"

Do you really not feel any sense of guilt when you're not doing anything for the project?

To be fair. I know i'm a demanding leader. I know i can be dictatorial in my ways. But really, if you were able to give me that sense of assurance on your competency, i would love to sit back and let you share some of the burden. But the work i see from you is riddled with careless mistakes which are time consuming to correct.

Maybe you're taking advantage of my personality of perfectionism to avoid work, maybe you're not. At this point it matters not anymore.

At this point, my words fail me. Continuing with this tirade will probably make me snap and go crazy.

Its all very disappointing. Thinking back, when you exclaimed that you wanted to be together with me in a group for this project. I had foolishly thought you wanted so because we were good friends.

In the words of a good friend of mine, "tio bait"

I guess my biggest disappointment was that day, before all this even began. When i told you i couldn't go through this alone and i needed your help. You gave me a smile and said,

"of course"
Alright i've decided to give the blogging thing another go. With so many things on my mind, i guess i could probably come out with pretty much lotsa things to consistently keep this blog active.

So yea.

Here we go.